Τhe  Νational Authority of Medically Assisted Reproduction concerning promotion  of IASO Clinic.

The prohibition of advertising that was implemented by the 223/7-6-2016 decision of the Authority until the publishing of the Expert Code of Conduct for the Medically Assisted Reproductio(MAR)  is full.

Sole variation is possible only for public announcements and participation in public discussions aiming to enlighten the public relating the MAR. For this «enlightment» to be updated, it should be fully documented and based on  internationally accepted data.

On the fact that you have offered 5 extracorporeal cycles free of charge as advertised in People magazine (issue June 2016) we have to inform you that you have violated the prohibition of advertisement for which the Authority might implement sanctions.

Contact Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 11:00 - 14:00
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